It has been discussed, that we need to find a better way of sharing what we learn through professional development with our colleagues. So often we go to a conference or PD event and we learn great new things that never leave the free tote bag. There's that really cool thing that you can't use but you jot it down or grab a pamphlet and it disappears. Now, it is not as sad as it sounds. We all take away something new, we implement an idea so PD works! I want to expand the way we share.
An Un-conference, Educamp, hybrid conference/training, something designed to get teachers together to share!
The idea... Get a bunch of teachers together. Have a bank topics board available and essentially have teachers sign up to cover a topic they know. A pedagogical approach, a tool they are using, a great lesson using Moodle, anything! Other teachers then sign up to attend and they break ft into rooms! Everyone has something t her, they are models of what they learn and we continue to learn by attending PD. So in essence we are sharing PD!
How do we do this? Maybe start with some learning lunches, one or two topics at a time. Maybe we can revamp the faculty meeting by having a share session in the first half of the meeting?
I want to examine this more!
Thanks to SimpleK12, FETC, and ISTE for continuing to show that teachers become better professionals through sharing their own expertise!